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Oberheim OBX8 Binaural and Double+ 48 Presets
  • Oberheim OBX8 Binaural and Double+ 48 Presets


    New presets making use of ther new Binaural and Double + Modes. Please note you have to have OS V2.0 firmware installed on your Oberheim in order to use these sounds.

    You can hear all the sounds with no effects on the video below, swipe right!


    There are 4 goups of Binaural/User sounds which go into banks 8-11 and 2 groups of Double+ sounds that go into 15 and 16, total 48 sounds.

    Please note these are presets for OBX8 owners only, not samples.

    Please download the sounds straight away as the link expires after 30 days. Back up your purchase, no refund can be offered on digital goods and it is up to you to back up your data!

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